Craig Jowett, Ph.D., P.Eng., founder of ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app
A Legacy in Research
ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app Inc. is a Canadian-owned and operated company that develops, designs, manufactures and maintains advanced onsite wastewater treatment systems. We are committed to high quality treatment, low electricity usage, and system robustness.
Since the first pilot installation in 1991, our technology has proven itself to be the most reliable system available. Incorporated in 1995, our company continually strives to lead the industry in innovation and service. We are responsible for numerous advances in our field, both scientific and technological, that are used every day to help protect our natural environment and water supplies.

The patented ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app was developed at the University of Waterloo, in the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research.
What We Can Do For You

We are proud to lend our years of industry experience to your project engineer or we can recommend an experienced ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app system designer for you to work with.

We hold annual training seminars where installers, engineers, and regulators come together to learn about our newest technologies and discuss developments in our industry.

We offer support to our customers post-installation, and also operate and maintain a number of our commercial installations.
We employ a qualified team of
professionals in research & development,
production, and customer service.
We are proud of what we have contributed to our field.
Read more about some of our accomplishments to date.
Developed the world’s first biological trickling filter utilizing an absorbent, synthetic filter medium.

Our patented foam filter medium
Developed the first Shallow Area Bed disposal system for sand filter quality effluent in North America.
Introduced the Shallow Pressure Trench disposal system for sand filter quality effluent in Ontario – now in the Ontario Building Code.

Pioneered the use of effluent filters in Ontario – now a mandatory septic system component under the Ontario Building Code.
Participated in Canada’s first residential sewage reuse application, the Toronto Healthy HouseTM – winner of the Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation’s Healthy HousingTM Design Competition.

Toronto Healthy House – sustainable housing experiment
Implemented the reuse of treated wastewater for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, truck washing, and toilet flushing.
Developed the world’s first no-airspace, laminar flow septic tank – capable of improving treatment and drastically reducing sludge and scum accumulation compared to conventional septic tanks.

ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app WaterTubeâ„¢ septic tank
Developed the world’s first free-draining, trickling biological anoxic filter (BAF) for thorough and complete nitrogen removal.

Introduced the Flat Bed Biofilter, the world’s first at-grade open-bottom wastewater treatment unit.
Participated in the Ontario Green Schools Pilot Initiative demonstrating the greatly reduced electricity usage and operations and maintenance costs of the ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app system.

Developed the patented Waterloo EC-Pâ„¢ device for removing phosphorus from sewage using low energy electrochemistry.
Demonstrated the ability of the Waterloo EC-Pâ„¢ to recycle captured phosphorus as a fertilizing soil amendment in conjunction with the University of Guelph.
Introduced the use of agricultural sulfur for autotrophic denitrification to Canada with the WaterNOx-LSâ„¢.
Achieved certification of the ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app system to the CAN/BNQ 3680-600 Standard.
Developed the anaerobic digester, a simple an inexpensive modification to septic tanks for increasing treatment efficiency and reducing sludge production by 50%.

Introduced the Waterloo Smart Panel for live monitoring, remote control, data logging, and alarm notification for onsite sewage treatment systems.

ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app joins the list Canada’s Top Growing Companies in The Globe and Mail’s third-annual rankings report.