
The ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app Advantage

High Performance Biofilters

High Performance

Permanent Filter Medium

Filter medium is warranted for up to 20 years and will likely last much longer.

Low Power Consumption

Uses very little electricity; up to 85% less power than competing aeration systems, and even less energy than recirculating sand filters. Our siphon-dosed Flat Bed treatment units require no electricity at all!

Lowest Long Term Operating Costs

Uses very little electricity; up to 85% less power than competing aeration systems, and even less energy than recirculating sand filters. Our siphon-dosed Flat Bed treatment units require no electricity at all!

Low Maintenance

Few moving parts with only high-quality, cast iron effluent pumps used; maintenance on a ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app is reduced to a simple inspection.

Excellent Winter Performance

Achieves and maintains excellent, documented treatment levels even in temperatures down to -50°C, without the need to heat raw sewage.

No Air Compressor

Air circulates passively to maintain aerobic conditions, without the need for loud, high maintenance, high energy air compressors and diffusers.

Robust & Sustainable

Filtration technology recovers more quickly from system abuse (i.e. dead septic tank, chemicals poured into system, etc.) especially when compared to suspended sludge systems.

Handles Surge Flows

Filter medium absorbs excess flows during the day, can handle much higher organic and hydraulic loads without plugging, and does not wash out solids during high flows like suspended sludge systems.

No Aerobic Sludge Management

Provides aerobic treatment without producing aerobic sludge. Suspended sludge technologies typically require annual pump outs of accumulated activated sludge in order to maintain treatment levels.

Excellent Seasonal Use Performance

Absorbent filter medium retains moisture during periods of no use allowing beneficial bacteria to go dormant instead of desiccating or starving. When the system is used again the bacteria population is reactivated and starts degrading contaminants immediately.

Consistent Over Time

Maintains treatment levels over time with no filter medium degradation and no accumulation of aerobic sludge found with other systems.

Increase Property Value

Maintain Property Value

Small System Footprint

Has the smallest system footprint fully approved in Ontario, Manitoba, and Massachusetts, allowing you to make the most use of your property.

Minimizes Tree Removal

A compact footprint with no distribution piping (Shed and Flat Bed Biofilters) means tree removal on your property is minimized.

Minimizes Mounding

Low-profile Flat Bed Biofilters and above-ground Cedar Shed Biofilters minimize unsightly raised mounds commonly found with filter beds (sand filters) and other treatment units – even in difficult bedrock and high water table sites!

Wide Product Selection

Our technology is available in many different configurations to suit your site conditions and personal tastes.


Environmental Protection

High Nitrogen Removal

Typically removes 50-65% total nitrogen in recirculation mode – even in cold climates! Higher removal rates are possible with the WaterNOx BAF.

Minimizes Tree Removal

A compact footprint with no distribution piping (Shed and Flat Bed Biofilters) means tree removal on your property is minimized.

No Short Circuiting

Biological treatment combined with physical filtration of wastewater ensures that no sewage can short-circuit treatment, unlike submerged media technologies.

Foam Medium

ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app Experts

Our Experience

We are pioneers and problem solvers in the on-site wastewater industry, having actively developed successful technologies for difficult sites since 1991.

Ongoing Innovative Research

ÃÛ´½Ö±²¥app is a world leader in performing innovative research to advance the process and technological knowledge in our industry, and is continually bringing new technologies to the market that help to protect our water supplies for future generations.